Tuesday, September 18, 2007
9:00 - 17:30
Offered by:
Karl M. Göschka (Chair)
- Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Information Systems, Distributed Systems Group (Austria)
Rui Oliveira
- Universidade do Minho, Computer Science Department (Portugal)
Alexander Romanovsky
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne, School of Computing Science (United Kingdom)
Johannes Osrael
- Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Information Systems, Distributed Systems Group (Austria)
Workshop Description
Motivation - Structure - Chairs - Program - Contact
Workshop Motivation
While computing is becoming a utility and software services increasingly pervade our daily lives, dependability is no longer restricted to safety-critical applications, but rather becomes a cornerstone of the information society. Dependability clearly is a holistic concept: Software and product-line engineering methods, tools, and techniques contribute to dependability, as defects in software products and services may lead to failure and also provide typical access for malicious attacks. In addition, there is a wide variety of fault tolerance techniques available, ranging from persistence provided by databases, replication, transaction monitors to reliable middleware with explicit control of quality of service properties. Adaptiveness, self-properties, and autonomous computing are envisaged in order to respond to short-term changes of the system itself, the context, or the users expectations. Furthermore, to cover the long-term evolution of systems becoming larger, more heterogeneous, and long-lived their emerging behaviour will have to be controlled and regulated in order to avoid "software utility degradation" which can also result in "dependability degradation".
Workshop Structure
Three international research projects (DeDiSys, GORDA,
RODIN) funded by the European
Commission during the Framework 6 Programme, approach the concept of
dependability from different viewpoints (see below). Together, these projects
represent 22 partners, 12 from academia and 10 from industry, with an overall
effort of 120 person years. The overall cost of 9,2M-Euro have been funded by the
European Commission with 6,1M-Euro. After three years of research, these projects
are now ready to present and mutually exchange their research achievements in an
interdisciplinary way, to share their experience with a wider audience, as well
as to show demonstrations of new technologies and provide hands-on experience on
the prototype implementations.
The morning session will comprise short talks of the research
achievements of each project. The afternoon session will comprise practical
demonstrations and hands-on experience for the audience.
The workshop will provide a forum for all scientists and
engineers from academia and industry to discuss the latest research and
technological findings as well as related work, and to share the
projects' experience from the prototype implementations. The workshop will
provide a strong focus on the applicability of all proposed concepts for the
wider audience.
Workshop Co-Chairs
Karl M. Göschka (Chair)
Vienna University of Technology
Institute of Information Systems
Distributed Systems Group
Argentinierstrasse 8/184-1
A-1040 Vienna, Austria
phone: +43 664 180 6946
fax: +43 664 188 6275
Karl dot Goeschka (at) tuwien dot ac dot at
Rui Oliveira
Universidade do Minho
Computer Science Department
Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga, Portugal
phone: +351 253 604 452 / Internal: 4452
fax: +351 253 604 471
rco (at) di dot uminho dot pt
Alexander Romanovsky
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
School of Computing Science
Office: Room 1008 , Claremont Tower
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom
phone: +44-191-222- 8135
fax: +44-191-222- 8788
Alexander dot Romanovsky (at) newcastle dot ac dot uk
Organisational Chair
Johannes Osrael
Vienna University of Technology
Institute of Information Systems
Distributed Systems Group
Argentinierstrasse 8/184-1
A-1040 Vienna, Austria
phone: +43 1 58801 58409
fax: +43 1 58801 18491
09:00 - 10:30, Session 1
Opening Words
(Karl M. Goeschka, Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria)
Key Note: Communication predicates vs. failure detectors for solving agreement problems
(André Schiper, EPFL, Switzerland)
Talk 1: DeDiSys: Tightly Coupled Dependable Distributed Systems
(Lorenz Froihofer, Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria)
Talk 2: DeDiSys: Loosely Coupled Dependable Distributed Systems
(Piotr Karwaczynski, Wroclaw Univ. of Technology, Poland and Jaka Mocnik, XLAB, Slovenia)
10:30 - 11:00, Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30, Session 2
Talk 1: RODIN: Rigorous Open Development Environment for Complex Systems
(Thierry Lecomte, ClearSy System Engineering, France)
Talk 2: GORDA: Open Replication of Databases
(Rui Oliveira, Univ. do Minho, Portugal)
12:30 - 14:00, Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:30, Session 3
The following Demos will be held in parallel:
Demo 1: DeDiSys - tightly coupled
Demo 2: DeDiSys - loosely coupled
Demo 3: GORDA
Demo 4: RODIN
15:30 - 16:00, Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30, Session 4
The demos from session 3 will be repeated and again held in parallel:
Demo 1: DeDiSys - tightly coupled
Demo 2: DeDiSys - loosely coupled
Demo 3: GORDA
Demo 4: RODIN
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact: